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Find out what is happening at the BEE17 hives.
5 frame nuc of bees with box: £250
5 frame nuc of bees without box: £220
(box to be returned and £30 refunded)

Want to buy some bees of your own?

This year we will be rearing a small number of nucs for sale. We intend to keep orders limited to ensure the highest quality of bees on offer.
Bees are sold as a 5 frame nuc with a proven 2018 queen, bees, brood, eggs and stores. The queens are locally mated and all our bees are treated twice per year for Varroa destructor.
We don't sell bees to anybody, they are livestock after all. We want to ensure wherever they end up living, they will be well cared for. 
Bees will be supplied in a poly nuc box. Return of the box is optional and the cost will be refunded. Please be aware we do not post our honeybees, collection from North London or North Essex only. We are happy to discuss delivery for a small cost depending on your location. 
To order, simply click on the link below and let us know what you require. There is a £100 non-refundable deposit to secure your bees and please be aware that delivery of your bees depends very heavily on the weather conditions and thus could be between May and August. 

Taking orders for 2019 overwintered nucs now!



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BEE17 Bee rearing apiary
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